What I do

It’s a known fact that you’ll probably spend no more than 8 seconds reading web copy that doesn’t grab you instantly. In fact, I may well have lost you already. If you’re still here, I must be pretty good at this stuff. Maybe I'm the freelance copywriter your website needs.

There’s still no substitute for paper and ink. An artfully designed and beautifully copywritten press ad, brochure, flyer or mail shot can do wonders for your business and be a joy forever. Together with my choice of art director/designer or yours, I’ll write copy that gives you just that.

A personal favourite of mine, limited only by the imagination of the copywriter and the listener. I’ve written and produced commercials for a huge range of clients and products. You may have heard some. If you did, you probably acted on them too.

It’s the most expensive media there is and its reach is unparalleled. If you’re going to use TV advertising you’d better get it right. I’ve been copywriter and director on commercials for WYPTE and Mecca nightclubs. They seem to think that they spent their money wisely.