24 hour party pooper.
March 15th, 2010 // 11:54 am @ andy // No Comments yet
Hello there. This week I have found myself intensely irritated by an awful lot of awful tv advertising. Currently at the top of my teeth clenchingly awful chart is that Smirnoff ad, where what seems to be a group of massively overprivileged youth have raided mummy and daddy’s country house to furnish a party in the forest. Louis XIV sofas rub shapely legs with crystal chandeliers while our heroes, dressed in what is apparently great grandpapa’s campaign dress, a few of Marie Antoinette‘s left over gowns and some fancy dress costumes borrowed from their last visit to Glyndebourne, artfully arrange the ice buckets before getting down to getting merde faced on bottles of chilled Smirnoff, ( presumably half-inched from the regency cocktail cabinets of the aforementioned country house. )
What puzzles me is, who exactly is this ad aimed at? Obviously it’s a younger crowd but who in the world would want to share, ( admittedly perfectly chilled and beautifully presented ), vodka with that shower of unspeakable gits? Perhaps it’s just me but the ad seems completely out of synch with the times. More the kind of thing that may have gone down well in the 80’s while Duran Duran hung off yachts in the Caribbean and Rio danced on the sand.
Whatever, I hate it. It’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it. Although I have to admit it may have had some influence round my area. Only last night I saw an almost identical scene played out on the park just down the road. Admittedly it was more a blazing tyre than chandelier, there was little or no fancy dress, the Smirnoff was replaced by White cider and, rather than Louis XIV, the sofa was more DFS and had seemingly been fly-tipped long before the party started. All the elements were there though.
And, to be honest, the guests looked more appealing.
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