forgive me….
January 25th, 2010 // 12:16 pm @ andy // One Comment
Today I have a confession to make. More than that, a Kingsmill confession. I hate those bloody commercials with a passion. They make my flesh crawl and my teeth itch. In fact I hate them so much that they’ve forced me to lie to those closest to me. How can I look my daughter in the eye and tell her that I work in advertising, that I’m a Manchester Copywriter, when that’s on the telly right in the middle of Tracey Beaker? No, I just can’t do it. So I’m impelled to deceive her. It’s not easy either when one works such irregular hours, sometimes travelling across the country and not returning home till well after she’s tucked up in bed. Having checked the options and, obviously wanting her to have a father she can be proud of,
I’ve gone for a career with a bit of glamour. She now believes me to be a professional darts player, each night standing proudly on the oche, our destiny firmly in my hand, aiming for a noble future for us both. A future and a career we can both be proud of. Maybe one day I’ll tell her the truth. But not until that bloody kingsmill ad has long gone.
Till then, be lucky.
Category : Uncategorized
Phil Turner
15 years ago
Who’s pulling the strings….. it continues to astound me why some clients approach agencies in the first place, or is it the sycophantic account handlers who quite simply don’t have the strength of character to tell a client that their idea is rubbish and leave it to the pros, or is it the “do as I say” approach – its my money and I’m paying the bills, a control mechanism that’s probably inferred rather than said and its this mechanism that leaves a lot of brilliant creative work left in the account handlers car boot……rant…….rant