I wouldn't normally…
March 14th, 2010 // 5:37 pm @ andy // One Comment
Hello there. Today I’ve spent a few hours amusing myself with that “xtranormal” thing. Yes , yes I know it’s old news now and that absolutely everyone’s moved onto some kind of 3D movie that 12 year olds are making on their Nintendo DS things. In fact you’ve probably already made an xtranormal Brothers Karamazov or Gone with the Wind with a cast of robots, teddy bears and those kind of half lego person, half animal things while I’ve been fannying about – but to me it’s all new and exciting.
Just to get started, I’ve made an old blog post into an animated featurette. I used that “Independent Northern Creatives” one, mainly because it’s fairly short and it’s the first one that sprang to mind. I’m sure that at some point I’ll find something useful to do with it, I may even eventually learn to use it in such a way that I get further than a talking head and produce my own little Avatar or Hurt Locker. Or something. Anyway, have a look and then try writing something and making your own movie. It’s fun.
Here’s one where there’s a bear type thing saying it…
And here’s a robot.
I’ve got far too much time on my hands.
Category : Uncategorized
jacqui freeman
14 years ago
well that’s sorted out my ‘what will we do on a crap bank holiday weekend’ question…. make movies is what…