Friday. Good.

Friday. Good.

May 28th, 2010 // 2:48 pm @ // No Comments yet

Hello there. It occured to me earlier that the last thatandywhiteblog was a bit serious, a bit worthy, a bit well, dull. So to redress the balance I thought I’d just stick a couple of things I find funny on the page today. I mean, it is Friday after all so let’s all let our hair down and relax a bit eh?

First, here’s an old VW ad that always makes me chuckle. It got banned apparently,which is a shame but, thanks to youtube, this stuff is always lurking somewhere on the net.!v=0GuBdvA7Qus

Good that, isn’t it?

And now, something for all you men planning a big Friday night out.!v=1TiJNewpCnY

Got that? Good, now get out there and have a good time.

And remember, be adventurous.

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"I was just saying how good it was to work with someone who I knew would nail it. Thanks, Andy"

Steve Byrne, MD, The Gate Films

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